Fitness Tips – Day 13 (Resistance Bands)

Today’s fitness tips are targeting resistance band exercises. Keep in mind, these moves are not all-inclusive, meaning there are plenty of other exercises that are not mentioned. These are just meant to give you some moves to try. You can combine them together, use modifications, or mix them up. Whatever you decide to do, be sure to WARM UP FIRST. If you want some ideas on warmup moves, we already did a video on that. Check out our blog post here. You can also watch the warmup video on YouTubeInstagram, and Facebook.

The below video has the following exercise options:

LATERAL PULLDOWN – Place the resistance band around your thumbs or wrists and stretch your arms straight up over your head. Pull your arms down and your elbows to the side, bent at a 90o angle, while stretching the band and bringing your shoulder blades together. Return to the starting position.

TRICEPS EXTENSION – Hold the resistance band in your hands with your elbows bent. Right forearm should be parallel with the floor. The left hand should be in front of the left shoulder. Extend your right arm while keeping it close to the front of your body. As the right arm straightens, you should feel the band stretch and the muscles of your right upper arm working. Return to the starting position. Switch sides after 8-12 repetitions.

SHOULDER EXTERNAL ROTATION – Place a mini band around your wrists. Bend your elbows and keep them close to your body. Move your forearms out to the side to stretch the band. Rotate your palms at the same time, so that they face up once the band is stretched. Return to the starting position.

REVERSE CHEST SQUEEZE – Place a mini band around your wrists. Bend your elbows up in front. Move your forearms out to the side to stretch the band, keeping arms at 90 degrees. Return to the starting position.

SEATED BICEP CURLS – Sit on a chair or bench. Tuck the resistance band underneath your right knee and hold it with your right hand. Pull your hand up towards your right shoulder against the resistance of the band. Your upper arm should stay stationary as you pull on the band, keeping your elbow underneath your shoulder and close to your body. Release the hold and return to the starting position. Do all repetitions on one side, then switch to the other side.

FIRE HYDRANT/SIDE KNEE LIFTS – Start on all fours. The resistance band should be above your knees. Keep your neck, back, and hips aligned. Move your left leg out to the side to stretch the band. The rest of your body should stay in place; don’t turn to the side. Return to the starting position. Do all repetitions on one side, then switch to the other side.

DONKEY KICKS – Start on all fours. The resistance band should be above your knees. Keep your neck, back, and hips aligned. Kick your left heel up to stretch the band. Make sure you keep your hips level and don’t round your back. Return to the starting position. Do all repetitions on one side, then switch to the other side.

PLANK WITH SIDE STEP – Support your body in the high plank position with your hands and feet touching the ground. Your hands should be under your shoulders and your body in a straight line from head to heel. The resistance band should be placed around your ankles. Engage your core and glutes and step tap against the resistance of the band. Keep your body aligned, don’t round your back. Return to the starting position. Alternate to the other side.

STANDING SIDE STEP – Begin standing with your feet together. The resistance band should be around your ankles. Take 4 steps to the right, then back to the left. Repeat for 3-5 sets. Rest in between full sets if needed.

SQUAT STEP – Begin standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, toes parallel or slightly outward. The resistance band should be above your knees. Perform a squat and remain in the squat position while taking 4 steps to the right, then back to the left. Repeat for 3-5 sets. Rest in between full sets if needed.

SQUAT WITH SIDE RAISE – Begin standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, toes parallel or slightly outward. The resistance band should be above your knees. Perform a squat and as you come up, lift your right leg up to the side by squeezing the outer part of your glutes. As you step back, lower yourself into a squat again. You can switch sides with each repetition.

Stay tuned next time for a segment on balance trainer exercises.

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